Ivanka Trump testified at her fathers fraud trial, said I do not recall a lot

Grifter Barbie Goes To Court: A Trump Family Adventure. Yesterday, Ivanka Trump made her long-awaited appearance in a Manhattan courtroom to testify as part of the penalties phase of her father’s civil fraud trial. Donald Trump has already been found liable of fraud, so right now the judge is trying to determine the penalties. Previously, the court threw out any charges for Ivanka, so she was there purely as a witness to her father’s long history of lies about his finances. Ivanka ended up getting high marks from the reporters inside the courtroom because she was calm, she never raised her voice and she stayed on topic, if the topic was “I do not recall.”

On Wednesday, Ms. Trump appeared not as a top executive of the Trump Organization, but as a former employee, albeit one with a highly personal connection to the case. She played a key role in establishing some of the company’s relationships with lenders — particularly Deutsche Bank — and answered questions about the loan terms.

The attorney general’s team presented Ms. Trump with a 2011 email in which she told a Trump Organization colleague that the favorable terms of a deal would be possible only if backed by a guarantee about her father’s net worth.

“It doesn’t get better than this,” Ivanka Trump said of the generous terms in 2011. “Let’s discuss ASAP.”

The bank’s offer required the Trump Organization to maintain a minimum net worth of $3 billion, excluding any value tied to Mr. Trump’s brand, illustrating a central contention of the attorney general’s case: that loan terms were predicated on Mr. Trump’s wealth, and that his annual financial statements were submitted each year to uphold those terms.

In another email exchange, the family’s banker at Deutsche Bank, Rosemary Vrablic, offered the Trump Organization another set of favorable terms, prompting Ms. Trump to thank her profusely, saying, “You are the best Rosemary!”

Yet Ms. Trump, when asked about the annual financial statements, clammed up. At one point, she was asked about an occasion on which she was called to defend them. The meeting was with a government agency that was evaluating her company’s bid to develop the Old Post Office, a federal building in Washington that became the Trump International Hotel.

“I don’t recall them having discussed financial statements specifically,” she says. “The whole meeting was mainly about our vision for the project.”

[From The NY Times]

It sucks that Ivanka basically baby-whispered and pseudo-girl-bossed her way out facing consequences for the insurrection, for her father’s entire fascist presidency and for her family’s decades-long criminal fraud. Hilariously, Ivanka tried to get out of testifying by citing her children’s school schedule, but the judge ordered her to appear. I saw Letitia James’ presser after Ivanka’s testimony and James seemed kind of subdued, like she expected Ivanka to crack and Ivanka didn’t.

Ivanka did get heckled with “crime family” as she entered the courthouse.

Follow live updates on the trial: https://t.co/b8X69xG3mz pic.twitter.com/gMcWUW196c

— ABC News (@ABC) November 8, 2023

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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