Prince William is is wary of spreading himself too thinly, he will never work late

Kensington Palace plotted out a briefing spree and organized the rollout to coincide with the Invictus Games, exposing Prince William’s constant state of rage, jealousy, pettiness and stupidity. The timing of this rollout wasn’t just for the Invictus Games, it’s also about William’s big trip to New York, where he will show the world just how keen he really is… even though Mike Bloomberg couldn’t even scam an invite to speak at the United Nations for Peg. Honestly, William doesn’t actually care that much about Americans, because I guarantee that KP has already organized palace briefings about how William’s trip was a galloping success and Americans love him. In any case, KP clowns once again ran to Valentine Low at the Times, and in case you haven’t noticed the KP talking points, William is a big revolutionary, a forward-looking executive and a very ambitious and keen man. Some highlights:

An ambitious revolutionary!! Unlike his father, Prince William has never been accused of being a meddling prince. Unlike his brother, he has never complained about his royal destiny. He does not have the demeanour of a royal revolutionary. But just over a year into his service as Prince of Wales it is becoming clear that William is the prince who wants to do things differently, from seaweed to royal warrants. He and the Princess of Wales have big dreams. “They have always been ambitious,” said a source close to them. “Ambition is a word they use a lot.”

Lazy as the day is long: William has already shaken up the system of patronages. The late Queen Elizabeth was patron of more than 600 charities. Apart from his military affiliations, William has 38. “By royal standards that is very small,” said the source. “That is deliberate.” It reflects his desire to have a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the organisations with which he is connected. That is not to say that William is likely to turn Britain into a European-style bicycling monarchy. “The roles and titles and responsibilities [of being monarch] — they are coming their way whatever happens. But the social change, and the causes they can lend their hand to — they are really ambitious about those things.”

Charles worked more: Inevitably, though, there is the question: how different is he as Prince of Wales from his father? Charles had what one source politely calls a “broader agenda” than his son. William is wary of spreading himself too thinly, instead taking on “fewer but bigger issues”. The source who knows William well said that unlike his father, he would never work late into the night writing letters on the various questions that engaged him. He is also very conscious of the need to work on issues without being perceived as crossing the line into politics. “William is certainly not a political animal. He cares about issues, but also wants to be able to do them in a way that is broad and inclusive and does not stray into controversy.”

United in adversity: But for all their differences, the father and son have a good relationship at the moment — and indeed have done so for a few years. Not many years ago “there was tension in the day-to-day relationship between the brothers and their father”. But having both suffered from Harry’s onslaughts, Charles and William have been united in adversity. “It helped put any disagreements into perspective.” For most of the past 12 months, Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace have co-ordinated their efforts successfully, and the times when they have not — such as when William’s homelessness interview with The Sunday Times competed for front-page space with the King’s first Trooping the Colour — have been relatively few and far between.

William is still getting sh-t for refusing to go the Women’s World Cup final: When William decided not to fly to Australia to watch England in the final of the Women’s World Cup, he was widely criticised by those who believed he would have gone if it had been the men’s final. While many reasons were suggested for his decision, including the environmental impact of flying that distance for a football match, the main motivation was that William did not want his first trip to Australia since the new reign to be one where he spent his time cheering on England. Given that he is — presumably — the next King of Australia he did not think that would have gone down well. At least one person in William’s inner circle believes it was a mistake not to go, but one that will soon be forgiven and forgotten.

The problem with Harry: There is, however, one problem which still has not gone away: Harry. It is still fresh in people’s minds. “The start of the year was really, really hard,” said the source who knows the elder brother well. But William strongly believes that he did the right thing in not responding to his brother’s criticisms — and indeed there was a concerted effort by the palace to ensure that no one close to William waded in on his behalf.

The opportunity to serve. “Yes, there is duty, but it is a huge opportunity,” said the source. “The second that people think the institution, the individuals in it are not grateful for their position, that is hugely dangerous. That is the real risk of the Harry and Meghan saga — that it was all about themselves, not about the country or the Commonwealth. It was all about hearing a story about how things were hard and difficult and unfair. That is a real threat to the core of the monarchy, which is to ensure that the gratitude you feel is transmitted at all times. So being out there, doing the work, using your platform to do things, that is core to the day-to-day mission.”

[From The Times]

LMAO “unlike his father, he would never work late into the night writing letters on the various questions that engaged him.” William is so free of passions and engagements. He has no particularly engaging interests other than embiggening himself and copying Harry, while also smearing Harry. “William strongly believes that he did the right thing in not responding to his brother’s criticisms — and indeed there was a concerted effort by the palace to ensure that no one close to William waded in on his behalf.” William and Kate were in the trenches for months, responding to both the Netflix series AND Spare. They’re still in the trenches – William refuses to do media outside of the UK, because he knows the first questions he would be asked would be about Harry and Meghan.

As for “ambition” being William’s big word of the day… the problem is that his ambitions are so closely connected to what Harry is and what Harry’s doing. William’s ambition is to have what Harry has, to be what Harry is, to be loved and adored like Harry. It’s sad, but it’s also really funny because William is truly a f–king moron. He’s too stupid to work out WHY people love Harry or how Harry has what he has. Also: the stuff about William’s sad little patronage portfolio is really pointed. William’s stomping his feet and refusing to take on more work.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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